签证基本事项(General Information):
1. 使馆签证受理时间:周一 至 周五 09:00 – 11:30
Visa Section Working Time: 09:00 – 11:30 am, Mon-Fri.
2. 签证收费:
Visa Fee: Express Visa – RMB 600 (3 working days)
Ordinary Visa – RMB 415 (7 working days)
3. 护照有效期最少为签发之日起六个月以上
Validity of passport should be at least 6 months above from the date of visa issuance
4. 入境时要检查黄热病接种疫苗证书(黄皮书),请携带原件
Original Yellow Fever Vaccination Certificate is requested for entry of Tanzania territory
5. 申请者需要填写一份申请表(英文填写),两张相片,相片要求为2寸蓝底免冠近照两张。
Each applicant should fill in one application form and attach two inch color photo (light blue background, without hat)
6. 凡政府公务团组或者其它政府机构邀请、会展及志愿者的签证申请要求请致电使馆具体咨询(10-65321491)