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Investment Opportunities

Tanzania is an emerging economy with a very high growth potential. Whilst the economy is relatively diversified, a number of opportunities remain untapped in many sectors. These investment opportunities have been divided into two categories: the Lead Sectors and the Priority sectors.
The Lead Sectors include: Agriculture and Agro-based Industries; Mining; Petroleum and Gas; Tourism, and Infrastructure.

The Priority Sectors include: Energy, Manufacturing, Chemical Industries, Natural Resources (Fishing & Forestry), Construction and Real Estate Development, Management Consultancy, Human Resource Development (Hospitals, Health Centers, and Educational Facilities), Radio and Television Broadcasting and Export Oriented Projects.

These categories and their respective investment opportunities have been detailed by the Tanzania Investment Centre (TIC), which is the primary agency of government assigned to coordinate, encourage, promote and facilitate investment in Tanzania –

Trade Opportunities

Following its liberalized trade regime and a sustained economic growth, Tanzania has enormous opportunities in both domestic and external markets. Currently, Tanzania exports coffee, cotton, manufactures, cashew nuts, minerals, tea, sisal, tobacco, cloves and pyrethrum to Germany, Japan, India, Belgium-Luxembourg and Britain ; and imports machinery and transport equipment, textiles and clothing, petroleum products and food & drinks from Britain, Kenya, Japan, Saudi Arabia, India and China.

Tanzania is also strategically located as it provides an entrance to six landlocked neighbouring countries. Therefore business opportunities in Tanzania go beyond its borders, by considering the East African Community (with almost 90 million people), SADC (300 million people), EU (through Everything But Arms initiative), US market through the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) window, and Chinese market through Special Preferential Tariff Agreement with China. In all these markets products from Tanzania receive either relatively low tariff or tariff free treatment.

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