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This is the best developed tourism route in the country. It is the home of classic “safari” (journey) experience, a spectacularly diverse cluster of eco-system and habitats, linked by the movements of as definitive a cross section of wildlife as is found on the African continent.
From the endless short-grass plains of the Serengeti to the dense riverine forests of Lake Manyara the classic African Savannah of Tarangire to the lushly blended eco-systems of Ngorongoro, there runs a shifting migration of African wildlife that perfectly captures the safari experience.
The circuit also includes the famous landmarks such as the Ngorongoro Crater, the Olduvai Gorge and Africa's highest mountain, Mount Kilimanjaro.
Address: 8 Liang Ma He Nan Lu, Sanlitun, 100600 Beijing, P. R. CHINA.
TEL: (+86) 010 65321719
FAX: (+86) 010 65324351
E-mail: beijing(at)
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